About the Centre
ENIC and NARIC Networks
International Legal Framework
UNESCO Conventions
Joint Council of Europe/UNESCO (Lisbon) Convention
Bologna Process
Multilateral and Bilateral Agreements
Legal Framework of Recognition in the Russian Federation
Law on Education
Quality assurance
Act on State Accreditation (Recognition) of Education Institutions and Research Organizations
Act on State Recognition
Other related acts
Recognition of foreign qualifications
Recognition of foreign qualifications in PFUR
Confirmation, Apostille, Consular Legalization
Russian Education
Federal education authorities
State education quality control
Russian Education System
Diplomas/Qualifications Samples
HE Statistics
Recognized higher education institutions
Our Publications
Conferences, Seminars, Meetings
International Legal Framework
Joint Council of Europe/UNESCO (Lisbon) Convention
| Supplementory documents...
Supplementory documents
Guidelines for the Recognition of Qualifications from the other European Countries in the Russian Federation and Guidelines for the Recognition of Russian Qualifications in the other European Countries
Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications
Explanatory Memorandum to Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications
Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education
Recommendation on International Access Qualifications
Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees