About the Centre

ENIC and NARIC Networks

International Legal Framework

UNESCO Conventions

Joint Council of Europe/UNESCO (Lisbon) Convention

Bologna Process

Multilateral and Bilateral Agreements


Legal Framework of Recognition in the Russian Federation

Law on Education

Quality assurance

Act on State Accreditation (Recognition) of Education Institutions and Research Organizations

Act on State Recognition

Other related acts

Recognition of foreign qualifications

Recognition of foreign qualifications in PFUR

Confirmation, Apostille, Consular Legalization

Russian Education

Federal education authorities

State education quality control

Russian Education System


Diplomas/Qualifications Samples

HE Statistics

Recognized higher education institutions


Conferences, Seminars, Meetings


Activities overview of the National Information Center on Academic Recognition and Mobility, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The National Information Center on Academic Recognition and Mobility (NIC ARM) was established in 1999 by the order of the Minister of Education as an independent public entity on the eve of Russia's accession to the Lisbon Convention on recognition.
In accordance with the Article 10 of the Convention the National Information Center became a part of the network of the information centers on academic recognition and mobility of the European Region, the ENIC/NARIC Network, and also actively cooperate with centers oversees on issues of recognition of documentation in education.

The Network comprises centres from 56 countries, including all European states, USA, Australia, Canada, Israel, countries of Caucasus and Central Asia. The agencies on academic recognition and mobility are created in many other countries of the world. The participants of the ENIC/NARIC Network are actively cooperating with these agencies on issues of qualifications recognition.

In 2007 NIC ARM was reorganized under Ministerial order by its merger with the Peoples Friendship University of Russia.

National Information Center on Academic Recognition and Mobility is responsible for provision of information on Russian education and qualifications, especially in cases when there is a need for such information to recognition authorities, educational institutions, and those individuals who abroad, who have on procedure any Russian qualifications, as well as for a wider range of stakeholders.

The Core Functions of the National Information Center on Academic Recognition and Mobility are the following:

  • Conducting data gathering and analysis to provide recognition of qualifications, as well as qualifications assessments, recognition of all levels qualifications;
  • Information sharing on various aspects of educational systems, such as: accreditation status of the educational institutions, new institutional names and renames, educational programs and etcetera;
  • Participation in work of the Commission on admission of foreign citizens to study at the Russian Federation institutions of higher education sponsored by the federal budget;
  • Information material preparation about Russian education for the data bases of the International Universities Association and other international organizations;
  • Publication of analytical articles on foreign education in Russian media sources;
  • Participation in 'Working Group' of Ministry of Education on aspects of Bologna process;
  • Maintenance of the web site on recognition issues in ENIC/NARIC Network format.


National Information Centre on Academic Recognition and Mobility. Ministry of Education and Science

Mailing address: Mikluho-Maklaya St. 6, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow, 117198, Russia
Address: Ordzhonikidze St. 3, Moscow
Tel.: + 07 495 958-28-81, 955-08-18
Fax: + 07 495 433-15-11, 958-28-81
E-mail: RussianENIC@sci.pfu.edu.ruacademmobil@rudn.ru

Director: Gennady LUKICHEV


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